CS Colloquium
Speaker: Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory
Host: Brian Scassellati
I will discuss a long term effort to create intelligent cognitive systems. The approach I take is to integrate computational cognitive models of humans, AI models of perception, and robot models of action. We use our cognitive architecture which provides a principled way to integrate formalisms from these different areas. Our approach allows us to build process models that impact AI, cognitive science, and interaction science. I will show a range of examples as well as how we build and evaluate our system.
Dr. Greg Trafton received his BS in computer science with a second major in cognitive psychology from Trinity University in 1989. He received his Ph.D in 1994 from Princeton University with a cognitive science focus. Greg is a section head for the Intelligent Systems Section in the Artificial Intelligence branch of the Naval Research Laboratory. His research interests include developing cognitive and AI models to understand, predict, and interact with people, with a specific focus on AI, cognitive robotics, computer-human interaction, and cognitive models.