CS Talk - Aranyak Mehta, Google Research

Event time: 
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - 4:00pm
HLH17, Room 328 See map
17 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

CS Talk
Aranyak Mehta, Google Research

Host: Yang Cai

Refreshments will be available.

Title: Auctions, Auto-bidding, and GenAI: Fundamental results and new trends


Internet advertising auctions connect buyers and sellers at scale, creating value for users while generating platform revenue.  This talk will overview ad allocation under auctions mechanisms over the years, with a focus on the increasingly prevalent paradigm of auto-bidding, which enables advertisers to optimize toward business objectives without having to manage individual bids. We’ll discuss recent results on allocation equilibria under various auction formats with auto-bidding. Finally, we will discuss emerging research in the exciting area at the intersection of Generative AI and auction design.


Aranyak Mehta is a Distinguished Research Scientist in the Market Algorithms team at Google Research in Mountain View, CA. His research interests lie at the intersection of Algorithms and Economics, with an emphasis on Auction Design, Online Matching, Allocation Algorithms, and connections to AI and Machine Learning, and their applications in practice.

Please note this is a separate talk from the one on Thursday, March 6 at the CADMY Research in Motion seminar.