CS Talk - Veena Ravishankar
University of Mary Washington
Breakfast catering from Koffee will be available!
Host: Timothy Barron
Title: Stacks: the LIFO king of data storage
Abstract: Picture a bustling cafeteria where towers of trays piled high with dishes resembling a culinary Jenga defies gravity. Reaching for the first plate you used would be an awkward endeavor, wouldn’t it? Instead, our hands naturally gravitate towards the top – the latest addition, readily accessible. Now, imagine the same organizational principle applied to handling data in the form of a “stack.” We will explore the practical aspects of stacks, understanding how they efficiently manage data storage, access, and deletion. We will break down the “why, what, and how” of stacks, making sense of their significance in the world of computer science.
Bio: Veena Ravishankar is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Mary Washington. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Science at The University at Albany, SUNY. She teaches students in a diverse range of subjects, spanning both Computer Science and Cybersecurity. Dr. Ravishankar’s research area focuses on theoretical computer science and pedagogy. Beyond the classroom, she has played an active role in fostering diversity and inclusion within her field. Her leadership extends to her work with women in tech, cybersecurity, and educational conferences, contributing to the advancement of these fields.