Eurographics is very pleased to award the Eurographics Medal 2021 to Holly Rushmeier for her outstanding contributions to computer graphics and for her role in promoting computer graphics research in Europe. (The award was for 2021, but announcements had been suspended until in-person conferences resumed after the pandemic.)
Holly Rushmeier is the John C. Malone professor of Computer Science at Yale University. She received the BS (1977), MS (1986), and PhD (1988) in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. Before joining Yale she has held positions at Georgia Tech, NIST and IBM TJ Watson Research.
Holly Rushmeier is a world leader in computer graphics, and her research has significantly advanced the field. Flagship contributions include her early work on creating a digital model of Michelangelo’s Florence Pieta, and in particular her work on global illumination, on material and appearance modeling, and on applications of perception to computer graphics. Her text book on “Digital Modeling of Material Appearance” (with J. Dorsey and F. Sillion) has already become a classic.
Holly Rushmeier has served the community in an extraordinary way. She has been co-chair of the ACM Publications Board (2007-10), the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Trans. Graphics (1996-99), the co-Editor-in-Chief of Computer Graphics Forum (2010-2013), and on the Editorial Board of IEEE TVCG (1996-98), IEEE CG&A (2002-2010), ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. (2002-2010), ACM J. Computing and Cultural Heritage 2008-2015), Computers & Graphics (2013-2019), and the Visual Computer (2010-2019). She served as the papers chair for ACM SIGRAPH (1996), and for IEEE Visualization (1998, 2004, 2005). She has also served in numerous program committees of all the top conferences in the field. She is an ACM Distinguished Engineer, a 2016 Fellow of the ACM, and the recipient of the 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award. Holly Rushmeier has chaired both the IEEE Visualization Technical Awards Committee (2017-2021) and the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy Committee (2018-2021).
Throughout her career, Holly also acted as an ambassador for computer graphics research in Europe: She was involved with the Eurographics Rendering Workshop/Symposium from the start, and was papers co-chair in 2000. She was a co-organizer of the Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling 2013-2020, and she served on the program committee of the Eurographics Rendering Workshop/Symposium (1994-2004, 2008-9, 2012-13, 2018-20), of the Eurographics Workshop on Geometry Processing (2009-13), and of the Eurographics Annual Conference (1996, 1999, 2001-2003, 2008, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2020). She was a keynote speaker at the Rendering Workshop (1994) and at the Eurographics Annual Conference (2001 and 2012). She was a member of the Eurographics Executive Committee (2002-2008), and she has been a Eurographics Fellow since 2011.
Congratulations, Holly!
This article is from the European Association of Computer Graphics website, https://www.eg.org/wp/eurographics-awards-programme/the-eurographics-gold-medal/eurographics-medal-2021-holly-rushmeier/