Two computer science faculty members have been appointed to named professorships.
Lin Zhong https://www.linzhong.org/ has been appointed as Joseph C. Tsai Professor of Computer Science. He received his B.S and M.S. from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. from Princeton University. From 2005 to 2019, he was with Rice University. At Yale, he leads the Efficient Computing Lab to make computing, communication, and interfacing more efficient and effective. He and his students received the best paper awards from ACM MobileHCI, IEEE PerCom, ACM MobiSys (3), ACM ASPLOS and IEEE QCE. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, the Duncan Award from Rice University, the RockStar Award (2014) and Test of Time Award (2022) from ACM SIGMOBILE. He is a Fellow of IEEE and ACM.
Abhishek Bhattacharjee https://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/abhishek/ has been appointed as A. Bartlett Giamatti Professor of Computer Science. He received his B.S. from McGill University and Ph.D. from Princeton University. Prior to Yale he was at Rutgers University. He received the 2023 ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award and the NSF CAREER Award . His research has been recognized with six IEEE MICRO Top Picks selections and two honorable mentions, a Best Paper Award at ISCA ‘23, a Distinguished Paper Award at ASPLOS ‘23, a visiting CV Starr Fellowship at Princeton Neuroscience and more. His teaching and mentoring were recognized with the Yale SEAS Ackerman Award.