Congratulations to CS PhD students Karthik Sriram and Jan Vesely, EE associate research scientist Ioannis Karageorgos, and faculty members Abhishek Bhattacharjee and Rajit Manohar on the inclusion of their research on brain-computer interfaces in IEEE Micro’s Top Picks in Computer Architecture journal!
Top Picks recognizes 12 papers across all flagship architecture conferences for publication each year. This year, Yale’s paper entitled “Hardware-Software Co-Design for Brain-Computer Interfaces” and originally published at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2020 was selected for this honor. In this work, the authors present HALO, a flexible and ultra-low-power architecture that permits high-bandwidth interfacing with the brain. Such brain-computer interfaces are a nascent technology that can control prostheses, help treat neurological disease, navigate augmented realities, control swarms of drones, manipulate assistive devices, and more. Learn more about this work here.