Ruzica Piskac, recently appointed as the Donna L. Dubinsky Associate Professor of Computer Science, focuses her research on programming languages, software verification, automated reasoning, and code synthesis.
Piskac joined Yale in 2013 as an assistant professor of computer science. She leads the Rigorous Software Engineering group. A common thread in her research is improving software reliability and trustworthiness using formal techniques. Her work is widely recognized on the international level and she was invited as a keynote speaker at the 25th Static Analysis Symposium and at the International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing. In addition, she gave an invited presentation on her research at more than 50 scientific meetings, universities, and industrial labs. Her work on deductive software synthesis was published as a Research Highlight in the Communications of the ACM journal. She was the main organizer of several international conferences and workshops.