
Prof. Ruzica Piskac
April 3, 2014
Congratulations to Prof. Ruzica Piskac on being selected for a Microsoft Research SEIF award. The award will support her project “Script Synthesis through Examples.”
April 3, 2014
Congratulations to NSF Graduate Fellowship winners for 2014:  Emma Alexander ‘13 , Cameron Musco ‘12 and Christopher Musco ‘12.
March 21, 2014
Congratulations to Henny Admoni, who has been selected to receive a Google Anita Borg scholarship!
Ying Yang from the Yale Graphics Group
February 21, 2014
Yale computer science researchers Ying Yang and Ruggero Pintus are collaborating with the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) on a technical study associated with the new...
February 14, 2014
Congratulations to Zach Reneau-Wedeen, CS ‘14 and Geoffrey Litt, EECS ‘14 who were part of the team that finished second at this year’s NYU Abu Dhabi Hackathon for...
February 3, 2014
SIAM news for January/February 2014 has an article about Dan Spielman’s work on the Kadison-Singer problem. Read article.
January 28, 2014
Yale faculty members Joan Feigenbaum and Bryan Ford, along with  Phil Rogaway of UC Davis and Steve Bellovin of Columbia, spearheaded the publication of an open letter...