
Welcome to Yale Computer Science

At Yale Computer Science, we train tomorrow’s innovators and conduct cutting-edge research to bring the transformative power of computing to society.  Our programs bring the most brilliant students and faculty together to understand the strengths and limits of computation, invent next-generation computing systems, and create innovative solutions to real-world problems.


June 26, 2024
Two computer science faculty members have been appointed to named professorships. Lin Zhong https://www.linzhong.org/ has been appointed as Joseph C. Tsai Professor of...
May 20, 2024
Computer Science and Mathematics double major Andrew Milas won The Russell Henry Chittenden Prize, which is awarded to the Yale College senior majoring in the natural...
May 20, 2024
Computer Science Prize Ben Cifu, ES ‘24 Awarded to the graduating senior majoring in computer science who, in the judgment of the Computer Science faculty, ranks highest...