Congratulations to Abhishek Bhattacharjee, Anurag Khandelwal, and Rajit Manohar for having their work chosen for IEEE’s list of top 12 papers published in computer...
Prof. Yongshan Ding has just received an NSF CAREER award for his work: “Applications and Architectures with Heterogeneous Superconducting Qubits.”
Congratulations Yongshan!
The CRA has recognized three of our undergraduates for their outstanding research!
Congratulations to Prof. Brian Scassellati who is one of twelve leading researchers honored in the 2024 class of AAAI Fellows!
Also selected is Yale CS alumna Claire Cardie...
Marynel Vázquez has been selected as an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator for her proposal “Towards Robots that Reason About Fairness: Effects on...
Computer Science faculty member Joan Feigenbaum has been honored with the rank of IEEE Fellow, in recognition of her “contributions to trust-management systems and Internet...
Professors Robert Soulé and Noa Zilberman from Oxford University were awarded a grant for their proposal, “TECAN: Telemetry-Enabled Carbon Aware Networking”. Their work...