2024 Computer Science Prizes and Awards

May 20, 2024

Computer Science Prize
Ben Cifu, ES ‘24

Awarded to the graduating senior majoring in computer science who, in the judgment of the Computer Science faculty, ranks highest in scholarship.

Department of Computer Science Prize
Amy Zhao, DC ‘24
Awarded to the graduating senior majoring in computer science who, in the judgment of the Computer Science faculty, ranks highest in service to the department.

Distinguished Undergraduate Learning Assistants
Sherrie Feng, SM ‘24
Julian Tweneboa Kodua, MC ‘25
Ananya Purushottam, SM ‘25

For exceptional teaching by a junior or senior ULA in a Computer Science course within the academic year.

Distinguished Service Awards
Tyler Schroder, MY ‘25
Anna Zhang, ES ‘24

For exceptional service and contributions to the Computer Science Department within the academic year.

Outstanding Senior Project Awards

Antonis Christou
“Melody Harmonization with Transformers”

John Kuszmaul
“Applications of Randomization, Potential Functions, and Authentication to Problems in Algorithms and Data Structures”

Fernando Cuello Garcia
“Exploring the I/O Design Space of Neural Interfaces”

Yale Science and Engineering Association Senior of Distinction (Alumni Association) Prizes
Alica Ao
Jeffrey Chen
Ben Cifu
Eden Gorevoy
Jenny Mao
Dion Stephan Ong
Rosie Rothschild
Alexa Schor

CS/Econ Awards

Donald Brown Prize
Drew Beckmen
Alexander Abinader
Ziyu Zhu

Herbert Scarf Prize
Cody Neiman

Martin Shubik Prize
Kelvin Kang