YALEU/DCS/TR669 [.pdf] A Categorical Approach to Distributed Systems Expressibilities and Knowledge
Ruben Michel
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR670 [.pdf] Expotential Lower Bounds for Constant Depth Circuits in the Presence of Help Bits
Jin-yi Cai
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR671 [.pdf] A Fast Algorithm for the Evaluation of Legendre Expansions
Bradley Alpert
Vladimir Rokhlin
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR672 * Adaptive Execution in Complex Dynamic Worlds
James Firby
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR673 * Speedup of a Financial Application Using the Crystal Compiler for Hypercubes
Marina Chen
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR674 [.pdf] A Prototype System for Automated Tactical Situation Assessment
Drew McDermott
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR675 * Parallel Programming in DIVACON
Zhijing Mou
Paul Hudak
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR676 * Polymorphic Array Operations in Divide-and-Conquer
Zhijing Mou
Paul Hudak
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR677 [.pdf] Runtime Aggregations of Recursion Relations
Joel Saltz
H. Scott Berryman
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR678 * Knowledge Acquisition Planning: Gaining Expertise Through Experience
Larry Hunter
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR679 [.pdf] Optimizing Tridiagonal Solvers for Alternating Direction Methods on Boolean Cube Multiprocessors
Lennart Johnsson
Ching-Tien Ho
January 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR680 [.pdf] A Blocked Jacobi Method for the Symmetric Eigen Problem
David Foulser
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR681 * Fast Learning in Multi-Resolution Heirarchies
John Moody
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR682 [.pdf] Histogram Computation on Distributed Memory Architectures
Dimitris Gerogiannis
Stelios Orphanoudakis
Lennart Johnsson
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR683 [.pdf] Parallelism in Sequential Divided-and-Conquer (Extended Abstract)
George Zhijing Mou
Steve Anderson
Paul Hudak
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR684 [.pdf] An Exploration of Asynchronous Data-Parallelism
Michael Littman
Chris Metcalf
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR685 [.pdf] Krylov Methods Preconditioned with Incompletely Factored Matrices on the CM-2
Harry Berryman
Joel Saltz
William Gropp
February 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR686 [.pdf] Algebraic Transformations of Objective Functions
Eric Mjolsness
Charles Garret
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR687 * MARCEL: A Generate-Test-and-Debug (GTD) Impasse/Repair Model of Student Programmers
James C. Spohrer
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR688 [.pdf] Solving Laplace Equations on the Connection Machine
Min-You Wu
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR689 [.pdf] Embedding Meshes in Boolean Cubes with Graph Decomposition
Ching-Tien Ho
Lennart Johnsson
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR690 [.pdf] The Implementation and Performance of Hypercube Linda
Robert Bjornson
Nicholas Carriero
David Gelernter
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR691 * A General Framework for Reason Maintenance
Drew McDermott
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR692 [.pdf] On the Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
Leslie Greengard
Vladimir Rokhlin
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR693 [.pdf] Efficient Compilation of Haskell Array Comprehensions
Paul Hudak
Steve Anderson
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR694 [.pdf] Using Queries to Identify µ-Formulas
Dana Angluin
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR695 * Sets and Arrays as Data Structures for Parallel Programming
Marina Chen
Andrew Kranin
Joseph Rodrigue
March 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR696 [.pdf] Fast Wavelet Transforms and Numerical Algorithms I
Vladimir Rokhlin
R. Coifman
G. Belkyin
April 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR697 * Optimization of Processor Count for Systolic Arrays
Yiwan Wong
Jean-Marc Delsome
April 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR698 * Experience with Lins on the iPSC / 2
Robert Bjornson
April 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR699 * The Theory and Practice of Semantic Program Analysis for Higher-Order Functional Programming Languages
Jonathan Young
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR700 [.pdf] A Fast Algorithm for the Evaluation of Heat Potentials
Leslie Greengard
J. Strain
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR701 * Transformations of Broadcasts into Propagations in Systolic Algorithms
Yiwan Wong
Jean-Marc Delosme
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR702 * Compilation by Program Transformation
Richard Kelsey
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR703 [.pdf] Single Assignment Semantics for Imperative Programs
Bjorn Lisper
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR704 [,pdf] Path Analysis and the Optimization of Non-strict Functional Languages
Adrienne Bloss
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR705 [.pdf] Tight Bounds for the Sequence Transmission Problem
Da Wai Wang
Lenore Zuck
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR706 [.pdf] A Fan-in Algorithm for Distributed Sparse Numerical Factorization
C. Ashcraft
S.C. Eisenstat
J.W.H. Liu
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR707 [.pdf] Self-Stabilizing Petri Nets
Gadi Taubenfeld
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR708 [.pdf] Possibility and Impossibility Results in a Shared Memory Environment
Gadi Taubenfeld
Shlomo Moran
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR709 [.pdf] Leader Election in the Presence of ‘N-1’ Initial Failures
Gadi Taubenfeld
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR710 [.pdf] Question-Driven Understanding: On Integrated Theory of Story Understanding, Memory and Learning
Ashwin Ram
May 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR711 [.pdf] Connectionist Variable-Binding by Optimization
P. Anandan
Stanley Letovsky
Eric Mjolsness
June 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR712 * Computer Story-Writing: The Role of Reconstructive and Dynamic Memory
Natalie Dehn
June 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR713 [.pdf] Channel Routing for Intergrated Circuits
Ron Pinter
Andrea LaPaugh
June 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR714 * Shared Tuple Memories, Shared Memories, Buses and LANS-Linda Implementations Across the Spectrum of Connectivity
Jerrold Leichter
June 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR715 * Implementing Linda for Distributed and Parallel Proccessing
Jerrold Leichter
Robert Whiteside
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR716 * Coordination Languages and Their Significance
Nicholas Carriero
David Gelernter
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR717 [.pdf] Performance Study on the Connection Machine
Min-You Wu
Wei Shu
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR718 [.pdf] The Fast Gauss Transform
L. Greengard
J. Strain
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR719 [.pdf] Efficient Breadth-First Expansion on the Connection Machine or : Parallel Processing of L-Systems
R. Pinter
S. Pinter
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR720 [.pdf] Efficient Compilation of Array Expressions for the Connection Machine
L. Ortiz
R. Pinter
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR721 [.pdf] Multiplication of Arbitrarily Shaped Matrices on Boolean Cubes Using the Full Communication Bandwidth
S. Johnsson
Ching-Tien Ho
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR723 [.pdf] Domain Decomposition on Parallel Computers
William Gropp
David Keyes
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR724 [.pdf] Node Ordering and Concurrency in Structurally Symetric Sparse Problems
I.S. Duff
Lennart Johnsson
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR725 [.pdf] Index Domain Alignment: Minimizing Cost of Cross-Referencing Between Distributing Arrays
Jingke Li
Marina Chen
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR726 [.pdf] Domain Decomposition with Local Mesh Refinement
William Gropp
David Keyes
July 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR727 [.pdf] Parallel Computation of Multiple Biological Sequence Comparisons
David Foulser
Nolan Core
August 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR728 [.pdf] Parallel Solution of the Symetric of the Tri-Diagonal Eigen Problem
E.R. Jessup
August 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR729 * Bounds on Block Diagonal Preconditioning
Mark Yan-Ming Chang
Martin Schultz
August 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR730 [.pdf] Program Optimization and Parallelization Using Idioms
Ron Pinter
Shlomit Pinter
August 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR731 * Dilation d Embebbing of a Hyper-Pyramid into a Hypercube
Ching-Tien Ho
Lennart Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR732 [.pdf] A Study of Dissipation Operators for the Euler Equations and a Three-Dementional Channel Flow
Lennart Johnsson
Pelle Ollson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR733 [.pdf] Element Order and Convergence Rate of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Data Parallel
Lennart Johnsson
Kapil K. Mathur
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR734 [.pdf] A Radix - 2 FFT on the Connection Machine
L. Johnsson
Robert L. Krawitz
Roger Frye
Douglas MacDonald
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR735 [.pdf] QCD with Dynamical Fermions on the Connection Machine
Lennart Johnsson
Ralph G. Brickner
Rajan Gupta
Clive F. Baillie
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR736 [.pdf] Matrix Multiplication on the Connection Machine
Lennart Johnsson
Tim Harris
Kapal K. Mathur
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR737 [.pdf] Boundary Modifications of the Dissipation Operators for the Three-Dementional Euler Equation
Pele Olsson
S.L. Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR738 [.pdf] Distributed RC Delay Line Model and MOS PLA Timing Estimation
Chao-Lin Chiang
Lennart Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR739 * TSNET: A Linda Implementation for Networks of Unix-Based Computers
Mauricio Arango
Donald Berndt
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR740 [.pdf] The Finite Element Method on a Data Parallel Architecture
Kapil Mathur
Lennart Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR741 [.pdf] Data Parallel Super Computing
Lennart Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR742 [.pdf] The Finite Element Method on a Data Parallel Computing System
Kapil Mathur
S. L. Johnsson
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR743 [.pdf] Data Structures and Algorithms for the Finite Element Method on a Data Parallel Super Computer
L. Johnsson
Kapil Mathur
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR744 * Is Explicit Parallelism Natural? Hybrid DB Search and Sparse LDL Factorization Using Linda
C. Ashcraft
N. Carriero
D. Gelernter
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR745 [.pdf] Discretization of the Steady State Semiconductor Device Equations
Ilan Efrat
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR746 [.pdf] Embedding Meshes in Boolean Cubes by Graph Decomposition
S.L. Johnsson
Ching-Tien Ho
September 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR747 [.pdf] A Dataparallel Implementation of an Explicit Method for the Three-Dementional Compressable Navier-Stokes Equation
Pelle Olsson
Lennart Johnsson
October 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR748 * Generalized Secret Sharing and Monotone Functions
Josh Benaloh
Jerrold Leichter
October 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR749 [.pdf] The Parallel Multipole Method on the Connection Machine Supported by: Thinking Machines Corp.
Lennart Johnsson
Feng Zhao
October 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR750 [.pdf] Cooley-Tukey FFR on the Connection Machine
S.Lennart Johnsson
Robert L. Krawitz
Robert Frye
Douglas MacDonald
October 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR751 [.pdf] High Radix FFT on Boolean Cube Networks
Lennart Johnsson
Michel Jacquemin
Ching-Tien Ho
October 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR752 * Regression Planning
Drew McDermott
November 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR753 [.pdf] Experience with the Conjugate Gradient Method for Stress Analysis on a Data Parallel Supercomputer
S.Lennart Johnsson
Kapil Mathur
November 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR754 * Optimal Communication in Distributed and Shared Models of Computation
S.Lennart Johnsson
December 1989
YALEU/DCS/TR755 [.pdf] Synthesis of Explicit Communication from Shared-Memory Program References
Jingke Li
Marina Chen
December 1989