YALEU/DCS/TR1314 [.pdf] [.ps] Robustness of Path-Vector Protocols without Independent Route Ranking
Aaron D. Jaggard
Vijay Ramachandran
February 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1315 [.pdf] Neural Net Applications ‘04
Willard L. Miranker
February 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1316 [.pdf] On Stable Route Selection for Interdomain Traffic Engineering
Hao Wang
Haiyong Xie
Yang Richard Yang
Li Li
Yanbin Liu
Avi Silberschatz
February 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1317 [.pdf] [.ps] On Interpolation and Integration in Finite-Dimensional Spaces of Bounded Functions
Per-Gunnar Martinsson
Vladimir Rokhlin
Mark Tygert
February 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1318 [.pdf] Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in BGP Updates
Jian Zhang
Jennifer Rexford
Joan Feigenbaum
April 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1319 On the Nystrom Method for Approximating a Gram Matrix for Improved Kernal-Based Learning
P. Drineas
M.W. Mahoney
April 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1320 Diffusion Maps: A Unified Framework for Dimension Reduction, Data Partitioning and Graph Subsampling
Stephane Lafon
Ann B. Lee
March 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1321 [.pdf] Global Minimization on a Quantum Computer
Willard Miranker
May 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1322 [.pdf] Apoptosis, Neurogenesis, and Information Content in Hebbian Networks
Christopher Crick
Willard Miranker
May 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1323 Approximate Formulae for Certain Prolate Wave Functions Valid for Large Values of Both Order and Band Limit
Vladimir Rokhlin
Hong Xiao
May 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1324 [.pdf] Contour-Based Binocular Stereo: Inferring Coherence in Stereo Tangent Space
Gang Li
Steven Zucker
May 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1325 [.pdf] [.ps] Distributed Block Ciphers: Sharing the Luby-Rackoff Construction
Yevgeniy Dodis
Aleksandr Yampolskiy
May 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1326 [.pdf] [.ps] Spreading Alerts Quietly and the Subgroup Escape Problem
James Aspnes
Zoe Diamadi
Kristian Gjosteen
Rene Peralta
Aleksandr Yampolskiy
June 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1327 Randomized Algorithms for a Sensor-Based Generalization of the SVD
Petros Drineas
M.W. Mahoney
June 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1328 [.pdf] Posters Presented at the Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
Rida Bazzi
James Aspnes
June 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1329 [.pdf] Observing and Transferring Material Histories
A.S. Georghiades
J. Lu
C. Xu
J. Dorsey
H. Rushmeier
June 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1330 [.pdf] Stereo for Slanted Surfaces: First Order Disparities and Normal Consistency
Gang Li
Steven Zucker
June 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1331 Interdomain Routing as Social Choice: A New Perspective
Ronny R. Dakdouk
Hao Wang
Haiyong Xie
Yang Richard Yang
July 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1332 [.pdf] [.ps] Exposing Computationally-Challenged Byzantine Imposters
James Aspnes
Collin Jackson
Arvind Krishnamurthy
July 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1333 [.pdf] Java Implementation of a Single-Database Computationally Symmetric Private Information Retrieval (CSRIR) Protocol
Felipe Saint-Jean
August 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1334 Lightweight Types For Machine Level Objects
Andrew McCreight
August 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1335 Multiscale Analysis of Data Sets with Diffusion Wavelets
Ronald R. Coifman
Mauro Maggioni
September 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1336 Modular Verification of Assembly Code with Stack-Based Control Abstractions
Xinyu Feng
Zhong Shao
Alexander Vaynberg
Sen Xiang
Zhaozhong Ni
November 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1337 Pass-Efficient Algorithms for Facility Location
Kevin L. Chang
November 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1338 [.pdf] A Verifiable SSA Program Representation for Aggressive Compiler Optimization
Vijay Menon
Neal Glew
Brian Murphy
Andrew McCreight
Tatiana Shpeisman
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai
Leaf Petersen
November 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1339 [.pdf] [.ps] Fast Algorithms for the Solution of Eigenfunction Problems for One-Dimensional Self-Adjoint Linear Differential Operators
Mark Tygert
November 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1340 [.pdf] Special Clustering with Limited Independence
Anirban Dasgupta
John Hopkroft
Ravi Kannan
Pradipta Mitra
November 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1341 [.pdf] [.ps] Learning a Circuit by Injecting Values
Dana Angluin
James Aspnes
Jiang Chen
Yinghua Wu
December 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1342 [.pdf] [.ps] Incentive Compatible Inter-Domain Routing
Joan Feigenbaum
Vijay Rmachandran
Michael Schapira
December 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1343 [.pdf] [.ps] Recurrence Relations and Fast Algorithms
Mark Tygert
December 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1344 [.pdf] Consciousness, A Darwinian Process
Willard L. Miranker
December 2005
YALEU/DCS/TR1345 [.pdf] On a Differential Equation Arising in Plant Vascular Biology
Pavel Dimitrov
Steven Zucker
December 2005